Scott Read



Office 6



About Scott

Brother Read has been an instructor for the Seminaries and Institutes program for the past 34 years. He received a Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Educational Counseling from the University of Phoenix. He has directed Book of Mormon and Church History tours as well as taught adult education for sixteen years for Brigham Young University. His unique approach to the scriptures and his depth in scholarship, along with his warm personality lend themselves to great gospel instruction. Brother Read is currently serving as the 1st counselor in the Bishopric in his ward. He and his wife, Desari, reside in Syracuse and are the parents of seven children, six boys and one girl. They are also grandparents to seven wonderful little grandchildren. He is a man of many hobbies and is an avid road cyclist.

Spring Classes Taught

Miracles of the Master

This class is an in-depth study of the miracles performed by Jesus Christ while in his mortal ministry. It will not only examine the details of those miracles, but will also look for additional meaning, and the application for us individually in today’s world as we exercise our own miracle producing faith in the Master.

Thu 7:00 pm    |   Auditorium

New Testament: Come, Follow Me

This class will follow the Come, Follow Me readings.  Join us as we study the life of Christ and His teachings.

Tues/Thu 9:30 am or 12:30 pm    |   Room 106/107

Parables of Jesus Christ

This class is a life changing study of the details behind the parables declared by Jesus Christ while in his mortal ministry. It will closely analyze, through side-by-side comparison, the patterns and symbols found in these extraordinary teachings. This class will not only help deepen one’s witness of the Master teacher Himself but will also provide a scriptural understanding of the truths contained in His gospel.

Mon/Wed 10:30 am or 11:30 am    |   Room 106/107

Temples: The House of the Lord

This class is a transformative study of the temple and its profound use and history since the beginning of time based in the scriptural text. It will thoughtfully explore the Lord’s house in known temple experiences, such as Eden’s Garden and Jacob’s Ladder. Additionally, this class will unveil the temple paradigm in other scriptural accounts, including Noah’s Ark, Gethsemane’s Garden, and John’s experience in the throne room found in the Book of Revelation.

Fri 9:30 am    |   Room 106/107