Derek Sainsbury


Wednesday Devotional Advisor


Office 12



About Derek

Derek grew up on the west side of Salt Lake Valley with a small stint in Australia. Before turning eighteen, he had moved seventeen times on two continents.

A graduate of Taylorsville High, he served in the Italy Padova Mission and loves everything Italian. He married his high-school sweetheart Meredith Pettit who is a nine-time cancer survivor. They have three adult sons and three crazy dogs and reside in Bountiful, Utah.

Brother Sainsbury graduated with a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Utah. Later he attained an MPA from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in American History at the University of Utah.

He has taught and administered in Seminaries and Institutes for twenty-six years, with two years as a visiting instructor at Brigham Young University. Brother Sainsbury is a published scholar and presenter, including authoring the award-nominated Storming the Nation, and leads private Church History tours.

Because of his difficult upbringing, he loves to teach the Gospel and Church History particularly to students who struggle, for any reason, in life or in the Church.

He loves to work, golf, and boat with his family, as well as play with his dogs.

Spring Classes Taught

Answering my Gospel and Church History Questions

Are you looking for a safe, honest, and open environment to ask your sincere questions about Church doctrine and history? In this class, you will first learn vital skills to approach your questions in a faith-centered and honest way, including how to identify and find reliable sources. During the rest of the course, we will use these skills to work through the questions YOU anonymously submit and learn how to become lifelong seekers of truth. ALL questions will be welcomed and valued regardless of their sensitivity.

Tues/Thu  |  8:30 am or 9:30 am   |   Room 111   |   Answering my Gospel Questions Syllabus

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge.

Plan of Happiness Perspective

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith taught much more than we find in the Doctrine and Covenants. Do you wish you knew more about what he taught on various subjects? This class will take a relevant, topic-specific approach to explore in greater detail what the Prophet of the Restoration taught. You will also learn how to navigate the Joseph Smith Papers website, so your study of Joseph’s teachings can continue long after this class.

Mon/Wed   |   7:30 am   |   Room 111   |   Teachings of Joseph Smith Syllabus

The Restored Gospel of Christ and World Religions

Do you want to learn about the beliefs of other religions and what truths they share with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ? In this class you will increase your understanding and conviction of the unique characteristics and divinely appointed mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints while also expanding your awareness and respect for other religious traditions. Your learning will motivate you to work with those in the wider religious community to “be anxiously engaged in good cause[s].”

Mon/Wed 9:30 am   |   Room 111

Tues/Thu 1:30 pm   |   Room 111   |   World Religion Syllabus T/TH

Thu 7 pm    |   Room 106/107    |    World Religions Syllabus Th Nights

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